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Sine lifting
Overcoming obstacles!
The great progress made in the field of dental implants has shown real success. Today, any missing tooth in your mouth can be replaced with dental implants that last longer. In some cases, a bone addition is required in order to connect the implants. We can overcome this obstacle with sine lifting.
Want to know how it’s done? The staff of Dr. Ackerman’s Dental Clinic has all the information.
Dental implants
In a tooth or teeth loss, dental implants can be used. While in the past, denture treatment prevailed, with all of its discomfort and instability, today the solution is simple and available.
With dental implants, which are metal screws inserted into the jawbone, these newly installed almost-real teeth can be your new smile. Dental implants are strong and can function almost like natural teeth. The implants do not fall, and normally they last for a very long time.
Still, sine lifting may sometimes be required.
Bone loss
Bone loss can be natural or caused by receding gums, disease or improper tooth extraction. Bone loss can also be caused by bone weakening or loss of stability. In these conditions, the bone may not be strong enough to receive the dental implant and support it, and the dental implant is in danger of falling. In such cases, the solution is sine lifting: restoration of bone at any size or shape.
Sine lifting
The process of bone construction is termed sine lifting. In this process, the dentist restores the missing jawbone, anywhere in the mouth. Sine lifting in the upper jaw is done by a surgeon dentist or a gum specialist. Dr. Ackerman’s Dental Clinic has a team of highly professional specialists, in a variety of fields, and in different levels of experience and seniority.
After the sine has been lifted, the dental implant can be easily inserted, and the missing tooth is replaced.