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Dental preservation treatments
Taking care of your teeth with dental preservation treatments
The purpose of dental preservation treatments is to prevent tooth loss. This normally means catching caries at an early stage, before the tooth is damages, and taking every effort to preserve the stability of your teeth for a long time.
The staff of Dr. Ackerman’s Dental Clinic recommend routine dental preservation treatments, including check-ups, regular treatments and prevention of damage and loss.
What should you know about dental preservation treatments?
Visits to the dentist should not be avoided. Regular check-ups by the dentist, regular brushing and occasional plaque removal will save your teeth from untreatable damage.
What are dental preservation treatments?
- Filling – the first stage of caries, tooth infection, is damage to the outer layer of the tooth. The tooth’s exterior shape is damaged, and a gray-black cavity can be observed. In such case, the dentist would use a special material for a filling. In front teeth, a white filling is used.
- Root canal treatment – when the infection has penetrated to the tooth pulp, the dentist needs to clear the infection in the canals and roots, to prevent tooth loss.
- Extraction – when the tooth is beyond saving, being completely ruined by inflammation, the dentist has to extract it, in order to prevent the spreading of inflammation to other teeth. Sometimes the tooth loses its grasp due to gum infection.
And what else?
Other than dental preservation treatments, plaque removal is required every once in a while, according to the dental hygienist’s guidance. This treatment is important, as accumulation of plaque can cause gum infection, which in turn can cause tooth loss, as the tooth gets weaker and less capable of stabilizing its grasp on the gum.