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Adult Dental Care
Adult Dental Care
Today, geriatric dentistry focuses more and more on oral medicine and teeth rehabilitation. The common approach is preservation-oriented: attempts are made at preserving existing teeth before denture replacements are considered.
About the hardship of dentures and the advantages of the new approach
Our mouth and teeth have an important part in our quality of life, as they serve basic needs, such as eating, grinding and chewing of food, as well as verbal communication and aesthetics.
As we get older, teeth and gum problems begin to appear, which in many cases require teeth extractions and mouth rehabilitation, including fillings, dental crowns and removable dentures.
Dentures do not limit our day-to-day activities, but the innitial adjustment includes some discomfort in comparison to treatment with dental implants. With dentures, the patient has to get adjusted to a foreign object placed in their mouth, and relearn how to perform basic activities such as eating, laughing and talking.
The adjustment period is short, and by the end of it, your smile will be natural. In most cases, the use of dentures improves the patient’s quality of life, without special problems.